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The Adventures of Nick and Sam Box Set

Paul McCusker

The complete box set of the complete series of the Adventures of Nick & Sam books.

This set includes six books:

1. Perfect Gifts

2. Hidden Treasures

3. The Best Advent Ever

4. Trouble With Lent

5. A World of Wonder

6. View from the Top

Nicolas (Nick) and Samantha (Sam) Perry are twins in the Perry family. They moved with their parents, their brother Andrew, and their sister Lizzy, to Hope Springs in the summer. Hope Springs is a fictional town in the mountains of Colorado. This series presents the adventures of the twins, their family, their friends, and the people they encounter at school, church, and in town. This series presents Catholic culture easily and normally, and provides opportunities for readers to think about the consequences of words and actions. Some of the chapters early in the series appear in the Signs of Grace curriculum, and the Hope Springs “universe” expands out to McCusker's Blue Christmas and will be featured in other stories to come. This series is written similarly to the Adventures in Odyssey series and the Magic Tree House series, and is recommended for readers ages seven and up, but can also be read by parents to younger children.

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Trouble with Lent: The Adventures of Nick & Sam

Trouble with Lent: The Adventures of Nick & Sam

Join the Perry Twins on Their Lenten Adventure!

Introducing Book #4 in The Adventures of Nick & Sam!

In Trouble with Lent, the fourth book of "The Adventures of Nick and Sam," the Perry twins are celebrating Lent at school, at church, and with their family.

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The chapters follow along the calendar for the season of Lent and lead right into the joy of Easter Sunday.

About the Series

Nicolas (Nick) and Samantha (Sam) Perry are twins in the Perry family. They moved with their parents, their brother Andrew, and their sister Lizzy, to Hope Springs in the summer. Hope Springs is a fictional town in the mountains of Colorado, the setting of the Hope Springs series. Hope Springs is a multi-faceted series of stories that explores living the Catholic faith in the modern world.This series presents the adventures of the twins, their family, their friends, and the people they encounter at school, church, and in town. This series presents Catholic culture easily and normally, and provides opportunities for readers to think about the consequences of words and actions. Centered around the Perry family, Hope Springs was introduced as short stories in the Signs Of Grace catechetical workbooks and now includes novels for First Readers (ages 7+) under the banner The Adventures Of Nick & Sam. The world of Hope Springs also appears in the grown-up novel Blue Christmas. The likeable and engaging characters reflect the sensibilities and struggles of being Catholic in the quirky small town of Hope Springs, playing out their faith at the St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church and School, with their neighborhood friends and adversaries, and in the many adventures that makes the teachings of the Church come alive. This series is written similarly to the Adventures in Odyssey series and the Magic Tree House Series. It is recommended for readers ages seven and up, but can also be read by parents to younger children.

About the Author

Paul McCusker is an American writer most widely known for Adventures in Odyssey, but he has worked on many other types of writing projects: novels, plays, musicals, radio dramas, and movie scripts. Paul now writes for the Augustine Institute Radio Theatre productions and the Publishing Department. He is a convert to Catholicism, and lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado with his wife and children.

Product Details

– 270 Pages
– Released 2019
– Paperback


Perfect Gifts: The Adventures of Nick & Sam

Perfect Gifts: The Adventures of Nick & Sam

Double the Fun, Double the Trouble

Introducing Book #1 in The Adventures of Nick & Sam!

The end of summer means two things for the twins Nicholas and Samantha. First, pack in a lot of fun before school starts. Second, get presents for their birthday.

But this year has its share of trouble when Nick and Sam get caught sneaking peeks at their hidden presents. And that's just the start! Later, Nick turns a family hike into a stinky event. Sam discovers just how dangerous disobedience can be. And an unwise buying spree leads to more problems than Nick could imagine.

Will the twins be able to celebrate their birthday this year?


About the Series

Nicolas (Nick) and Samantha (Sam) Perry are twins in the Perry family. They moved with their parents, their brother Andrew, and their sister Lizzy, to Hope Springs in the summer. Hope Springs is a fictional town in the mountains of Colorado, the setting of the Hope Springs series. Hope Springs is a multi-faceted series of stories that explores living the Catholic faith in the modern world. This series presents the adventures of the twins, their family, their friends, and the people they encounter at school, church, and in town. This series presents Catholic culture easily and normally, and provides opportunities for readers to think about the consequences of words and actions. Centered around the Perry family, Hope Springs was introduced as short stories in the Signs Of Grace catechetical workbooks and now includes novels for First Readers (ages 7+) under the banner The Adventures Of Nick & Sam. The world of Hope Springs also appears in the grown-up novel Blue Christmas. The likeable and engaging characters reflect the sensibilities and struggles of being Catholic in the quirky small town of Hope Springs, playing out their faith at the St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church and School, with their neighborhood friends and adversaries, and in the many adventures that makes the teachings of the Church come alive. This series is written similarly to the Adventures in Odyssey series and the Magic Tree House Series, and is recommended for readers ages seven and up, but can also be read by parents to younger children.

About the Author

Paul McCusker is an American writer most widely known for Adventures in Odyssey, but he has worked on many other types of writing projects: novels, plays, musicals, radio dramas, and movie scripts. Paul now writes for the Augustine Institute Radio Theatre productions and the Publishing Department. He is a convert to Catholicism, and lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado with his wife and children.

Product Details

– 153 Pages
– Released 2018
– Paperback


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Praise for 7 Secrets of Divine Mercy

“This book will profit everyone who reads it.”
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“Imagine if someone were to deeply ponder and powerfully proclaim the mystery of Divine Mercy for more than 35 years and then gather the most precious insights into one place. You've imagined this book.”
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“What an amazing book! This isn't just a book for people who want to know more about Divine Mercy—this is a book for people who want their entire relationship with God revitalized.”
- Jennifer Fulwiler, Something Other than God, Radio host on SiriusXM

“I was astounded by ‘7 Secrets of Divine Mercy.’ Vinny Flynn’s book is a brilliant light to help us know St. Faustina and her beautiful message of God’s mercy.”
- Mother Dolores Hart, OSB, Author, The Ear of the Heart

“Vinny Flynn has accomplished a great work for the Church in his new book ‘7 Secrets of Divine Mercy’—an outstanding presentation.”
- Timothy T. O’Donnell, STD, KGCHS, President, Christendom College


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How can I plan now to make sure that my legal and medical wishes are respected when I’m near death?

In this booklet you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more. 20 Answers: End of Life Issues unravels the controversies and confusions surrounding euthanasia, assisted suicide, and the rights of patients in our uncertain healthcare future.

About the 20 Answers Series

The 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.

Booklet Details

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Andrew Perry likes history, but he never expected to experience it firsthand. But that’s what happens when he meets the unusual Eve Virtue, a direct descendant of the explorer and entrepreneur Alfred Virtue. Eve has uncovered Alfred Virtue’s greatest secret: the mysterious Radiant Stone. Before Andrew knows it, the two of them are in twelfth-century England, caught up in the adventures of the saintly outlaw Robin Hood.

Series Summary

The Virtue Chronicles follows the time-traveling adventures of Andrew Perry and Eve Virtue, as they use the ancient Radiant Stone to encounter the great people and events of history. Their adventures in the past also trigger mysteries in the present, as they learn more and more about the work of secretive explorer Alfred Virtue. Part of the world of Hope Springs, The Virtue Chronicles series is written for 10-to-12 year-olds (though readers of all ages will enjoy the stories).

About the Author

Paul McCusker is an American writer most widely known for Adventures in Odyssey, but he has worked on many other types of writing projects: novels, plays, musicals, radio dramas, and movie scripts. Paul now writes for the Augustine Institute Radio Theatre productions and the Publishing Department. He is a convert to Catholicism, and he lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with his wife and children.


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Purchase includes a free MP3 download!


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